Hot & Healthy Recipes from all over the World, with their delicious spice and traditional methods to prepare. I love it!

I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't like pizza. It seems to be a universal favorite. And, like the rest of the population, I a...

Pizza Frittata

Pizza frittata with tomato sauce and melted cheese cut into slices on a cutting board.

I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't like pizza. It seems to be a universal favorite. And, like the rest of the population, I am pretty much always in the mood for it. But, unfortunately, it's not the healthiest option. (Why can't I be obsessed with broccoli?) So, because I do try to eat healthy whenever possible, but while still eating the foods and flavors that I love, I like to think about how to make pizza-inspired dishes that are more friendly to my diet and waistline.

This past weekend, craving pizza as always, I decided to turn my weekend frittata into a pizza by adding a quick homemade sauce of veggies and crushed tomatoes on top of a simple baked frittata and then adding some fresh mozzarella. I was totally winging it, but you know what? It was delicious and will definitely be going on repeat. The best part is, you can easily mix up the veggies to include whatever your favorite pizza toppings are.

The next time a pizza craving hits, I know what I'm making!

Frittata with tomato sauce, cheese, and eggs baked together as a pizza with mushrooms and peppers.

What is a frittata?

A frittata is an egg dish that resembles a crustless pie. But in a frittata, you can add all sorts of ingredients in addition to the eggs, like meat, veggies, cheese — you name it.

Frittatas are usually cooked in a skillet or a cast iron pan and then also baked off in the oven. Whereas omelettes have all the ingredients mixed into the center, frittatas have all the ingredients either mixed in with the eggs like a casserole or layered on top like I did here.

Frittatas are also often made to feed a crowd, or at least more than one person. They make a great addition to meal planning as you can get several servings out of one frittata. I'll make mine on a Sunday morning and save the rest of the servings to eat throughout the week.

What do you serve with a Pizza Frittata?

This dish is so packed full of nutritious goodness that I don't usually serve it alongside anything at all. But here are some good ideas, in case:

  • A Strawberry Spinach Salad is a great complement to this frittata and also makes a great dish if you're serving both for brunch.
  • A Peach and Arugula Wild Rice salad contains both grains, greens, and fruit to balance out all your nutritional needs, plus it's delicious!
  • Try making a simple fruit salad with whatever fruit you have on hand. Make a large one if you'd like it munch on it throughout the week alongside your frittata servings.
  • Serve this Pizza Frittata with some low-carb bread or small rolls if you need your bread on the side.
  • For a sweet to go with your savory, this Healthy Cinnamon Banana Bread will do the trick.
  • Roasted Broccoli with Pepperoni Breadcrumbs goes so great with this Pizza Frittata, you may never make either alone again.

How long does a Pizza Frittata last?

As I mentioned, I like to make one frittata and eat it throughout the week for breakfast. I make mine last about 4-5 days. So long as you've stored and refrigerated yours correctly (airtight container, fridge) it will last through the week just fine!

How do you know when a frittata is done?

Since I make this frittata in layers, I check for doneness throughout the cooking process. Once I cook the egg mixture into the skillet, I check that the edges are starting to cook and get firm before I put it in the oven, where it cooks for an additional 10-15 minutes.

From there, I add my tomato and vegetable mixture to the top of the eggs, then mozzarella cheese on top of that and then put it back into the oven for another couple of minutes, until the cheese starts to brown and bubble.

At this point, the eggs are done and you can dig in or cut into servings to cool and store for the week ahead.

Piza frittata with a layer of eggs, tomato sauce, pizza toppings, and mozzarella cheese on a napkin.

How can I customize a Pizza Frittata?

There are so many ways you can make this frittata your own.

  • Use whatever combination of whole eggs and whites you prefer. More or less, just make sure you use the equivalent of about 9-10 whole eggs.
  • Mix in Parmesan with Asiago or another hard cheese to change the flavor profile a bit.
  • Add whatever spices you like, you can use an Italian mixture like I did here or add Herbs de Provence, or your own blend.
  • Peppers: Any assortment of bell peppers will work here. You'll need about a cup total.
  • If you want to make this dish spicy, add a little bit of diced jalapeno to the mix or add hot sauce or red pepper flakes to the final dish.
  • Skip the mushrooms if you're not a fan or mix up the kind of mushrooms you put in the frittata.
  • Any kind of red, white, or yellow onion in this dish will work — use whatever is in your pantry.
  • I used crushed tomatoes but if you only have diced that will work. Avoid tomato sauce as that's not what you're going for here and will only make your frittata wet and runny.
  • For a cheese topping, mozzarella works great but you could also skip the cheese all together, add more Parmesan, or try a pizza cheese blend or other blend you like.
  • No fresh basil? Shake some dried on top or skip it — it will still be delicious.

Looking for more frittata recipes?

Calories 277, Total Fat 15g, Total Carbohydrate 12g, Protein 24g, Serving Size 1 large slice