Hot & Healthy Recipes from all over the World, with their delicious spice and traditional methods to prepare. I love it!

I used to be completely petrified of cooking Asian food. Like scared to death. I just knew that it would be too complicated and I would do ...

Coconut Curry Shrimp

Coconut curry shrimp in a bowl with fresh vegetables, basil, green onions, and lime.

I used to be completely petrified of cooking Asian food. Like scared to death. I just knew that it would be too complicated and I would do it incorrectly and end up pitching it and ordering takeout so what was the point?

That all changed when a friend finally convinced me to buy fish sauce and start using it at home. Not the thing you expected me to say, right? Me either! But, I'm here to tell you, it changes everything. Yes, it smells: It’s atrocious if you put your nose too close. Yes, the idea of it is pretty gross, I mean, it is after all made of fermented fish. But if you can look beyond all that, the flavor it adds to Asian dishes is totally worth it. It really helps to create the authentic flavor you are looking for.

Still not persuaded? It's okay, I've been there. You can still make this dish and leave the fish sauce out. It will still taste great, but if you add the fish sauce it'll taste phenomenal! I recommend picking up a bottle as soon as possible.

Curry shrimp with coconut milk, fresh vegetables, Thai green curry paste, and basil in a black dish with fresh limes.

How do you make Coconut Curry Shrimp?

Once I had the fish sauce thing handled, everything else was a cinch, like the cooking instructions for this simple shrimp dish.

First, you'll heat the oil in a pot over medium-high heat, and add the diced onions, peppers, garlic, and ginger, stirring around and cooking till the veggies start to get soft and the delightful smells start filling up your kitchen.

Next, pour in the coconut milk, followed by the rest of the veggies, the curry paste, soy sauce, and sugar. Combine this mixture with the peppers and onions and let it simmer on the stove top for another 15-20 minutes until the second round of veggies gets tender-crisp.

Finally, add in the spinach and spinach and cook just 3-5 minutes longer. The shrimp should be pink and opaque when they're done cooking. Taste and season as you see fit. Garnish with green onions and basil, and squeeze a lime over the top for extra kick.

What sides go good with Curry Coconut Shrimp?

I like to serve this dish over white or brown rice, cauliflower rice, or zucchini noodles. It's also really good in a dish all by itself. Some other sides that go well with this dish include:

  • Spaghetti squash or another squash side. Make a spaghetti squash boat or eat it alongside the curry recipe.
  • A nice green salad goes great with this dish. It's also great for using up whatever you have leftover in your veggie drawer. Stumped for dressings? These ideas might help.
  • Roast up some veggies in the oven while you're making this on the stovetop. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, and green beans are all delicious right out to the oven. Keep an eye on them so they don't overcook. You want them to be tender-crisp for best results.
  • Make a fun Asian side like egg rolls, spring rolls, or a slaw.
  • I like to buy frozen edamame and cook it in boiling water. Drain and toss with a little bit of salt. Be sure to serve with a "discard" bowl for the pods. So much fun to eat and so easy too!
  • A fruit salad or salsa is just the thing to offset the heavy spice of most curries.

What's the difference between coconut milk and coconut cream?

Coconut milk is made by cooking shredded coconut in water and then removing the pulp. What you're left with is the white, creamy "milk." This liquid also resembles milk more than coconut cream. However, there is a little bit of the cream still left in a can of coconut milk, and that's what rises to the top. You'll see it when you first open a can of coconut milk.

Coconut Cream is more fattening than coconut milk. It is also made by cooking together coconut and water, but way more coconut is used — four times as much. It's much thicker and richer than milk. It's often used to make desserts — like coconut cream pie and coconut whipped cream.

Coconut shrimp with curry paste and fresh vegetables in a bowl with fresh basil, green onions, and lime juice.

How will you be making this Coconut Curry Shrimp dish? And, more importantly, will you be using the fish sauce?!

Looking for more curry recipes?

Calories 223, Total Fat 8g, Total Carbohydrate 12g, Protein 25g, Serving Size 1.5 cups