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Know Your Pantry Pests “Pantry pests” are insects that tend to gather around (and in) food stored in pantries and cabinets, such as flour,...

Here’s How to Get Rid of the Most Common Pantry Pests

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Know Your Pantry Pests

“Pantry pests” are insects that tend to gather around (and in) food stored in pantries and cabinets, such as flour, cereal, rice and crackers, according to the National Pest Management Association. Icky, yes, but it’s not necessarily your fault since some of these pests often hitch a ride home from the grocery store—right in your food—and don’t care if your kitchen (or garage) clean or not. Here’s the lowdown on the most common pantry pests and how to get rid of bugs in your pantry that bug you.

The post Here’s How to Get Rid of the Most Common Pantry Pests appeared first on Taste of Home.

Lauren Cahn