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This Banana Almond Butter Chia Seed Pudding has been fueling my family all week long. We can't get enough of it and with so many nutrit...

Banana Almond Butter Chia Seed Pudding

This Banana Almond Butter Chia Seed Pudding has been fueling my family all week long. We can't get enough of it and with so many nutritional benefits from the chia seeds, I feel good about eating it again and again.

After a few weeks on a low carb, Whole30, or Paleo diet - you will be craving something other than eggs for breakfast. Personally, I absolutely love eggs, like seriously love them, but during my first Whole30, I didn't want to see another egg for a long time. I had been eating them at least once a day, sometimes twice, and it got to be too much.

Enter chia seed pudding. It's a perfect non-egg breakfast that will keep you full and tastes amazing. You don't even need any extra sweetener, the mashed banana provides plenty of natural sweetness on its own. Then you can add all your favorite toppings. Personally, I usually reach for shredded unsweetened coconut, berries, and some chopped nuts. 

Looking for a higher calorie option? Use full-fat canned coconut instead. Some people also like to mash 1/2 an avocado in with the banana. You honestly can't taste it and it aligns more closely with the ideal meal template for Whole30 or Paleo meal. And don't worry if you aren't following any of these diets, we aren't right now and I still eat this all the time.

Banana chia seed pudding in a glass jar with banana slices and a spoon.

Whole30 friendly?

This is a matter of much debate in the Whole community and at the end of the day, it will be up to you to decide if this works for your own Whole30. Let's start with the ingredients. Technically all the ingredients listed in chia seed pudding are Whole30 friendly, assuming you are choosing a Whole30 compliant almond milk. So what's the problem? It comes down to it being a pudding, which for many could be a trigger food.

Under the Whole30 guidelines, you aren't supposed to create versions of things like pancakes, muffins, cakes, etc using Whole30 ingredients since it goes against the spirit of eating whole foods and following the plan. For some people, chia seed pudding falls under that umbrella. However, for many, chia seed pudding isn't that type of trigger and doesn't contradict the spirit of Whole30. It's really up to you in the end and you should make a decision based on how it feels. Many people say, if it feels like you are cheating, it is probably better not to have it.

Paleo friendly?

For a paleo diet, chia seed pudding is a great option for breakfast, dessert, or a post-workout snack. Chia seeds are paleo and are a great way to get fiber that you may be missing from other sources. The trick to making sure your chia seed pudding is paleo is to make sure you are using a paleo approved milk, sweetener, and vanilla extract. 

Banana and almond butter chia seed pudding in a glass with sliced bananas and peanuts.

Banana Chia Seed Pudding Recipe Ideas

  • Peanut butter: If you aren't on the Whole30, consider swapping out the almond butter for peanut butter. Both crunchy and creamy peanut butter work and I like to top it with some extra chopped peanuts.
  • Chocolate: To add a chocolate flavor to this chia pudding, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. I like to use cacao powder since it is a more natural option with more health benefits. You could also add chocolate chips or chopped chocolate on top.
  • Vegan: To make a vegan banana chia pudding, make sure to choose a vegan-friendly plant-based milk. If you add sweetener, reach for maple syrup.
  • Coconut: Make this with canned coconut milk to add rich coconut flavor.
  • Nuts and seeds: I love topping this chia seed pudding with all kinds of chopped nuts and seeds. Cashews, almonds, hemp seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pecans, or sunflower seeds are all delicious. 
  • Berries: Top with sliced strawberries or blueberries.
  • Yogurt: If you aren't following a Whole30 or Paleo diet, consider topping it with your favorite plain or flavored yogurt. This adds protein, calcium, and probiotics. If you can find coffee yogurt, it's a really delicious option.
Calories 377, Total Fat 19g, Total Carbohydrate 46g, Protein 9g, Serving Size 1 cup