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Mosquitoes Mosquitoes know how to spoil a good time. Planning a little R&R in the backyard after sunset? Mosquitoes will likely be on ...

10 Easy Ways to Keep Backyard Pests Away This Summer



Mosquitoes know how to spoil a good time. Planning a little R&R in the backyard after sunset? Mosquitoes will likely be on the guest list, whether you invite them or not. Mosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance; they can carry dangerous diseases like dengue fever and malaria and can transmit heartworms to pets.

Protect yourself by wearing mosquito repellent—either one containing DEET or an organic variety. Cut down your yard’s mosquito population by eliminating sources of standing water and using mosquito dunks. Here’s why some get bit by mosquitos more than others.

The post 10 Easy Ways to Keep Backyard Pests Away This Summer appeared first on Taste of Home.

Luke Miller