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Being concerned about yourself and your family as the country slowly begins to open up is normal. Will the restaurants be safe ? Is the kitc...

This Serving Tray Prevents Person-to-Person Contact When Sharing a Pizza

Being concerned about yourself and your family as the country slowly begins to open up is normal. Will the restaurants be safe? Is the kitchen hygienic? Will the diners and staff be safe distances from each other? It’s hard not think about the risks of going out to eat right now, but at the same time, we’re ready to settle into a booth at our neighborhood pizza place!

Fortunately, restaurants are changing the way food is prepared and served to keep diners healthy. Now, pizza chains and convenience stores are using the No HandL Portion PadL to keep each slice safe.

What Is This Pizza Tray?

Is a pizza place is one of your go-to dinner destinations? Look out for the No HandL Portion PadL. This oddly-named pizza contraption was created in response to growing safety concerns and health guidelines due to COVID-19. This nifty gadget helps cooks serve up perfectly cut slices of pizza.

For starters, it has touchless border so diners can grab a slice without interfering with any others. That means hands and pizza stay clean. The recessed grooves on the tray also help create equal slices (less fighting!), and limit touching of adjacent pieces when taking a slice. You know when the crust isn’t totally cut all the way, and you have to tear it off yourself? No more of that!

This is how to avoid germs at restaurants right now.

Where Can I Find One?

Domino’s, Whole Foods and Speedway already use a similar version of the No HandL tray. Although the trays are targeted at commercial pizza places, that doesn’t mean you can’t grab one for family pizza night. The pizza trays are available in all shapes and sizes on Portion PadL’s website.

Our 10 Best Homemade Pizza Recipes
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The post This Serving Tray Prevents Person-to-Person Contact When Sharing a Pizza appeared first on Taste of Home.

Melany Love