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These easy Grilled Chicken Sausages with Vegetables is a meal we constantly eat through the warmer months since it is ready in no time and ...

Grilled Chicken Sausages and Vegetables

Grilled chicken sausage with vegetables on a plate.

These easy Grilled Chicken Sausages with Vegetables is a meal we constantly eat through the warmer months since it is ready in no time and packs in so much flavor. I love to serve it on its own, with a big bowl of this Pasta with No Cook Tomato Sauce, or just a nice Caesar Salad.

Summer is for grilling and sometimes the easiest meals are the most delicious. This simple Grilled Sausage and Vegetables is one of our favorite things to make in the summer and it is ready in under twenty minutes. All it takes is some flavorful chicken or turkey sausages, a bunch of in season vegetables, fresh basil, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar.

Everything is quickly grilled to bring out some smoky flavor and then tossed together for one hearty, healthy, and seriously yummy meal. If you want to add a starch to the meal, consider quickly par-cooking some potatoes in the microwave (or boiling water) and throwing those in the mix as well. Because grilled potatoes are amazing.

Now when it comes to choosing the sausage for this recipe, you can't really go wrong. Usually, I look for sausages with around 160 calories each and tend to go for more Meditteranean flavor profiles since they pair well with the basil and balsamic vinegar. However, we have also made this dish with spicy sausages and it turns out delicious. Some of my favorites chicken sausages to try are sundried tomato, spicy Italian, spinach and feta, and roasted garlic.

When it comes to the veggies, you can also mix it up as well. Green beans, asparagus. artichokes, bell peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower are come out great on the grill. Usually, I reach for whatever I have fresh in the fridge. Lastly, as you might have guessed, you can also mix up the herbs. Instead of fresh basil, try rosemary, thyme, oregano, parsley, or cilantro. And if you're like me, you won't think twice about topping everything with some fresh Parmesan, goat, or feta cheese.

Tips for Making Grilled Chicken Sausages and Vegetables

  • Most chicken sausages come precooked so they don't need too long on the grill. However, if you end up buying sausages that are raw, they will need a little extra time on the grill.
  • Veggies cook really quickly on the grill and can go from perfectly cooked to burnt. Make sure to keep an eye on your veggies so that they don't burn. And try to cut everything to a uniform thickness so they cook in the same amount of time.
  • Switch up the flavors in this recipe by changing out the chicken sausages, veggies, and fresh herbs. The combinations are virtually endless and dinner is always ready in about twenty minutes.
  • When it comes to side dishes, my favorite thing to make is grilled potatoes. Just par-cook the potatoes in the microwave and then toss them with olive oil, salt, and pepper and toss them on the grill. You could also make couscous, quinoa, rice, cauliflower rice, or just a nice big salad

How long do you grill chicken sausages?

Since posting this recipe, I have gotten a lot of questions about how to grill chicken sausages. Here's a quick guide.

  • Raw chicken sausages: Cooking raw sausages on the grill is a little tricky since it can be easy to burn the outside while leaving the inside raw. One option is to poach the sausages in boiling water before grilling them. Then they just need a couple minutes on the grill to crisp up the skin. You can also grill the sausages entirely on the grill, but they need to be turned frequently so they don't burn. Generally speaking, they will need 6-8 minutes per side. 
  • Precooked chicken sausages: Remember that when you buy precooked chicken sausages, all you are doing is heating them up and adding some grill marks. They only take about 3-4 minutes per side.

Looking for more grilling recipes?

Here are some tools and products I used when preparing this recipe:

  • High quality balsamic vinegar: Since the balsamic vinegar is one of the main flavors in this recipe, it's really important to choose a high quality one that will pack in the flavor and bring the right amount of sweetness and tartness. This doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune though. Personally, I usually buy the Whole Foods 365 Aged Balsamic Vinegar and also enjoy this one and this one.
  • I cooked my veggies right on the grill, but for smaller veggies, I love to use a grill basket. Here is the one that I have and it has lasted for years and is pretty easy to clean. It's perfect for cooking small veggies or anything else that is likely to fall through the grates.
  • When it comes to chicken sausages, I usually buy Aidell's or Applegate. I find that I love of their flavors and I like the fact that they are less processed and more natural than many of the other brands on the market.
Calories 285, Total Fat 13g, Total Carbohydrate 21g, Protein 20g, Serving Size 1 sausage and 1.5 cups veggies