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Plants to the Rescue Indoor plants can be a simple and relatively inexpensive way to bring a boost of life and joy into your home. Green p...

11 Colorful Plants to Brighten Your Home Office

Woman sitting in home office with plant

Plants to the Rescue

Indoor plants can be a simple and relatively inexpensive way to bring a boost of life and joy into your home. Green plants are traditional favorites, but perhaps now’s the time to switch things up with pops of color from plants, especially in your home workspace.

Studies have shown that people seem to concentrate better when they’re around plants, and the plants provide a calming effect. From this, we can conclude it’s a great idea to have plants in your workspace! In addition, colors have psychological effects. And while green is calming, look for workspace plants with energetic, happy orange, joyful, creative pink or cheerful yellow leaves to spice things up a bit.



Sometimes called Spiderwort, this is an excellent hanging houseplant that wants room to grow. The patterns and colors will vary based on the variety, but keep an eye out for white and green striped leaves with purple undersides, as well as purple and pink striped leaves. Tradescantia doesn’t love overly-bright light and prefers to dry out between waterings. Here are our top tips for arranging plants indoors.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

They may look delicate, but colorful Phalaenopsis orchids are actually tough to kill and don’t require much care. Some simply require three ice cubes per week to stay alive. However, be warned that some orchids can be on the fussy side. Check out these tips for caring for house plants.

Croton plant


Typically, yellow leaves are a sign that the plant is struggling. However, a bold, healthy Croton plant shows off bright yellow, red, orange and sometimes black leaves. Croton grows outdoors in warm, humid climates and is an excellent houseplant everywhere.

According to Gardening Know How, don’t be surprised if some or all of the leaves drop off a croton plant shortly after you bring it home. They don’t like to be moved! Be patient and the new leaves will grow and you’ll have a thriving, colorful houseplant. Take a look at 20 houseplants to spruce up every room.

Ruby rubber plant

Ruby Rubber Tree

The pink version of the classic rubber tree (a.k.a. ficus elastica) features striking deep pink variegated leaves and grows well in medium, indirect light. Maintain the glossy leaves by misting your plant and wiping each leaf with a cloth when the leaves look dusty. This plant gets bonus points because it is regarded as an air-purifying plant.

Stromanthe plant

Stromanthe Triostar

With variegated foliage in shades of cream and pink with burgundy underneath, you won’t be able to pass up this unique tropical plant! Native to Brazil, these vibrant plants can grow two to three feet tall at maturity in bright, indirect light. Learn about the houseplants that are literally invincible.

Purple Passion Plant

Purple Passion Plant

The purple passion plant has been admired as a houseplant for hundreds of years. It’s intriguing. Although the leaves of this plant are technically green, they are covered in fine velvet-like hairs that give the leaves a bright purple sheen. By the way, these are the best places to buy plants and seeds online.



You may recognize this waxy scene-stealer from cut-flower bouquets, but you can also keep one in your workspace. And lucky for you, it blooms all year round. Keep this plant up high because it can be poisonous to pets.

Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot Plant

It’s obvious how these cheery plants got their name. Liberally spotted with pink, red or white against dark green leaves, Polka Dot plants love a sunny window and regular watering. Learn some great tips for keeping plants healthy throughout the winter.



This sweet bromeliad, also known as an Earth Star, grows wild on the rain forest floor. These plants are easy to grow, available in a variety of color combinations and are not toxic to pets.

Fittonia plant


Also known as Nerve Plant, this little drama queen isn’t one of the easiest plants to care for, but certainly makes up for it with stunning good looks. Originally from Peru, Fittoni plants have vivid veins that run through the leaves, typically in hues of red, pink or white. While these can be temperamental plants, keeping them in low light with high humidity should keep them healthy. Consider these super cool succulents for houseplants

Red aglaonema


Also known as Chinese evergreen, this is a great plant for beginners because they are super-low maintenance. The color depends on the variety, so look out for “Red Aglaonema” (shown here), “Anyanmanee” and “Pink Dalmatian” for a splash of color in your workspace. Next, check out eight clever tips for setting up a productive home office.

The post 11 Colorful Plants to Brighten Your Home Office appeared first on Taste of Home.

Jacqueline Weiss