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There’s little doubt that the heroes right now are nurses and doctors. Hospitals around the country are overwhelmed by the coronavirus outbr...

Joann Fabrics Is Sharing Free Material and Patterns to Help Volunteers Make Face Masks

There’s little doubt that the heroes right now are nurses and doctors. Hospitals around the country are overwhelmed by the coronavirus outbreak and the influx of patients, and they’re running low on everything. Nonetheless, these folks are working around the clock.

Now, unfortunately, we can’t all 3D-print ventilators to help curb shortages. But many of us have basic sewing skills—and even if you don’t, now’s a great time to learn. Joann Fabrics is giving away everything you need to make hospital masks.

Find more ways to help your community right now.

How Can I Start Making Masks?

Joann Fabrics is offering kits that include fabric, elastic and anything else you might need to make a mask. All you need to do is sew.

Of course, Joann has some help for you there, too. There’s a how-to video on their website that’ll walk you through the process, and it also offers a few more suggestions of other ways you can use fabric to help healthcare professionals.

Want to be inspired? Check out these uplifting stories of neighbors helping during the coronavirus outbreak.

Where Do I Get the Sewing Kits?

Like many places right now, Joann is doing curbside pickup. You can just pull up to the store, and an attendant will give you the number of kits you ask for. It’s that simple. It sounds like they have face mask kits in adult and youth sizes, plus kits for gowns and “other essential items.”

When you’re done, you can head back to the store and drop off the completed masks, so there’s no need to go to the hospital yourself. Joann will then donate them to a local hospital for you, and you can drive away knowing you’ve done a great thing for great people.

And honestly, we’re all stuck at home anyway. For the moment, no one’s going to concerts or hosting fancy dinners. So why not use your extra free time to lend a helping hand?

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The post Joann Fabrics Is Sharing Free Material and Patterns to Help Volunteers Make Face Masks appeared first on Taste of Home.

Emily Hannemann