Pickle-of-the-Month Subscription
For a pickle gift that keeps on giving, invest in a pickle subscription (from $48/month). Every month, a delicious batch of pickles arrives. The type of pickles is a surprise; you can expect classics like bread and butter pickles, as well as offbeat choices, like pickled tomatoes.
Pickle Wine Stopper
Both whimsical and practical, this pickle-shaped wine stopper ($13) is a real conversation starter. Ideal for a frequent host or anyone who loves wine as much as pickles. Pair that cabernet with one of our recipes for pickle lovers.
Fermentation Crock
The only thing better than a pickle is… a homemade pickle! This fermentation crock ($40) help home cooks make pickles, and other fermented treats.
Homemade Pickling Spice
You can find pickling spice in stores, but homemade pickle spice is fresher and more flavorful. Plus, you can customize the recipe, using extra spice or herbs depending on your pickle preferences.
Christmas Tree Ornament
In many households, it’s traditional to hang a pickle ornament ($10) on the Christmas tree. The first person to spot the ornament on Christmas morning gets an extra gift. (Here’s the truth about the origin of the pickle ornament.)
Dill Pickle Lip Balm
For the most die-hard pickle fanatic, this soothing lip balm ($4) skips the traditional vanilla flavor in favor of something more delicious: dill pickles. Even if the gift is given in the spirit of a gag, the recipient may be surprised to enjoy the novelty flavor. That’s how we felt about pickle-flavored ice cream.
Yodeling Pickle
Why should a pickle yodel? No one knows, but the yodeling pickle ($20) wins high marks for its amusing, mimic-worthy yodel. The realistic plastic pickle yodels at the touch of a button.
Picklexir Juice
You can buy all kinds of pickle-flavored foods and beverages. This spicy, savory, tangy Picklexir juice ($9) is tempting in a mixed drink, but you can also use it to brine meat or drink it plain. Some athletes claim that the juice contains beneficial electrolytes and can soothe ailments like muscle cramps.
Pickle Fork
Any old fork can dip into a pickle jar, saving your fingertips from the brine. But this handy Chef’n FridgeFork ($7) attaches directly to the jar and includes a handy caddy. Perfect for spontaneous pickle cravings.
The post 9 Pickle Gifts for People Who Are Kind of a Big Dill appeared first on Taste of Home.
Kelsey Rae Dimberg