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Aries: Walnut Pumpkin Cake Roll March 21 – April 19 Aries, we know how you love to dive head-first into new projects. This pumpkin cake...

We Found the Best Pumpkin Dessert for Your Zodiac Sign

Walnut Pumpkin Cake Roll

Aries: Walnut Pumpkin Cake Roll

March 21 – April 19

Aries, we know how you love to dive head-first into new projects. This pumpkin cake roll is the perfect opportunity for you to try your hand at making a sometimes tricky cake roll (don’t worry—we’ve got a tutorial in case you get stuck). This pretty cake also has a hint of spice, just like you.

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Taurus: Pumpkin Cheesecake

Taurus: Pumpkin Cheesecake

April 20 – May 20

Taurus, you appreciate the finer things in life, like a perfectly prepared slice of cheesecake. Treat yourself to this decadent pumpkin dessert. And, yes, we know that cheesecake can be a bit finicky, but you’re a hard worker—you’ll master this recipe in no time.

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Gemini: Pumpkin Pecan Whoopie Pies

Gemini: Pumpkin Pecan Whoopie Pies

May 21 – June 20

Gemini, everyone knows you’re the life of the party. You’re a bit silly, a whole lot of fun and people are naturally drawn to you—much like these whoopie pies. Get more whoopie pie recipes here.

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Cancer: Pretty Pumpkin Cinnamon Buns

Cancer: Pretty Pumpkin Cinnamon Buns

June 21 – July 22

Cancer, fall has your name written all over it. You’re the sign that’s the best at creating a comfy, cozy atmosphere—a must-have as the temps drop. Use your domestic expertise to make up some from-scratch cinnamon rolls and share them with all your pals—you’re likely to have a tight-knit group of them.

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Leo: Frosted Pumpkin Doughnuts

Leo: Frosted Pumpkin Doughnuts

July 23 – August 22

Leo, you’re a creative type that likes to go over the top, which is why an unexpected sweet that challenges you is just right. If you need to, brush up on your doughnut-making technique before you get started.

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Virgo: Miniature Pumpkin Cake Towers

Virgo: Miniature Pumpkin Cake Towers

August 23 – September 22

Virgos love all things elegant and simple, so an understated dessert made with precision is right up your alley. This fall, Virgos, try your hand at these tiny cake towers. While they look simple, getting that clean and precise finish is a task you’ll relish.

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Libra: Pumpkin Pie Cake

Libra: Pumpkin Pie Cake

September 23 – October 22

Libra, you can be a bit indecisive. It’s OK—it’s in your nature to weigh your decisions carefully. However, with this dessert, you don’t have to decide between pie or cake—you get both.

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Spiced Pumpkin Tiramisu

Scorpio: Spiced Pumpkin Tiramisu

October 23 – November 21

Scorpio, you’re always thinking ahead, so a dessert that requires a bit of advanced planning is just right for you. See, this tiramisu comes together fairly quickly but needs time to really develop all those great flavors. Get one more step ahead with our tiramisu how-to.

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Sagittarius: Pumpkin Chip Cream Pie

Sagittarius: Pumpkin Chip Cream Pie

November 22 – December 21

Saggitarius, you like to be on the move, so a dessert that keeps you in the kitchen all day long isn’t for you. But a dessert that comes together in 20 minutes or less is right on the money. This treat is unfussy and fun, just like you.

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Classic Pumpkin Pie

Capricorn: Classic Pumpkin Pie

December 22 – January 19

Capricorn, straightforward is your middle name. When it comes to pumpkin treats, you’re looking for the classics without all the muss and fuss. This pumpkin pie recipe is a great place to start, but you can go out on a limb with 24 other takes on pumpkin pie, too.

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Aquarius: Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream with Salted Caramel Sauce

Aquarius: Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream with Salted Caramel Sauce

January 20 – February 18

Aquarius folks are known for taking the road less traveled, which is why they’d never settle for an average pumpkin pie or pumpkin bar. Instead, opt for something out of the box like fall-flavored ice cream.

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Cream-Filled Pumpkin Cupcakes

Pisces: Cream-Filled Pumpkin Cupcakes

February 19 – March 20

Pisces, show off your creative side with these fun pumpkin-filled (and topped!) cupcakes. This recipe makes 18 cupcakes, which is perfect for a generous sign like you to share with your loved ones.

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The post We Found the Best Pumpkin Dessert for Your Zodiac Sign appeared first on Taste of Home.

Lisa Kaminski