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It’s no secret that melting butter in the microwave can be a bit messy. I know I’m not the only one who has heard that popping sound coming ...

The One Thing You Should Start Doing with Your Butter Wrapper

It’s no secret that melting butter in the microwave can be a bit messy. I know I’m not the only one who has heard that popping sound coming from the microwave, only to find the butter is half melted.

Too often, I forget to cover the container, leading to a buttery mess inside my microwave. (And subsequently, I have to spend time deep-cleaning it.) That was, until I learned about this simple hack using the butter wrapper.

It’s Mess-Free, Guaranteed

Since butter wrappers can’t be recycled, you might as well put them to good use!

Once you unwrap the stick of butter and put it into a microwave-safe dish (glass works best), cover the dish with the wrapper to keep the butter from splattering onto the sides of your microwave. Once your butter is completely melted, toss the wrapper. It’s that easy!

Even if you were already covering the dish with parchment paper or a plate to prevent splattering, this trick will help reduce the trash or time it took to wash the dish. Win-win!

Did you know those butter wrappers have a small amount of usable butter on them? Here are a few more ways to use the wrappers.

Bonus: Butter Melting Tips

To help reduce the amount of splattering while melting butter, we recommend microwaving at a lower power. Start with 10 second increments, and stir after each one. Often, the remaining bits of butter will melt as you stir. Going low and slow, combined with the butter wrapper trick, can help keep your microwave cleaner. If you need to quickly soften the butter instead, try these tricks.

Now that you have melted butter (and a clean microwave!), use it in this popular bubble bread recipe.

100 Recipes That Are Better with Butter
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The post The One Thing You Should Start Doing with Your Butter Wrapper appeared first on Taste of Home.

Alexa Hackfort