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Grilled vegetables are something I make almost every weekend when it's warm out to have in the house for salads, wraps, scrambles, and ...

Balsamic Grilled Vegetables

Balsamic grilled vegetables with peppers, summer squash, corn, and onions with quinoa in a bowl.

Grilled vegetables are something I make almost every weekend when it's warm out to have in the house for salads, wraps, scrambles, and my favorite grilled vegetable and goat cheese quesadillas. I just love the taste of slightly charred vegetables and it's probably the number one way I like to eat them. Also, I find that I can convince almost anyone to eat at least some veggies when they are grilled. Quick story - my Dad told us all he hated asparagus for years until I finally forced him to try some I had made on the grill. He ate three servings.

Now let's talk about these Balsamic Grilled Vegetables. Basically, all you do is grab all your favorite veggies and toss them in a combination of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic powder, and Italian seasoning. Then throw everything on to the grill and viola - amazing, slightly charred, delicious vegetables. I usually like to give mine an extra drizzle of balsamic before serving, but that's up to you. They are also amazing tossed with some creamy feta or goat cheese and fresh herbs.

Grilled Balsamic Vegetables with quinoa and balsamic glaze in a bowl.

How to Make Grilled Vegetables

  1. Prep the veggies: First you need to decide if you are going to grill the vegetables in a grill basket or directly on the grill. Personally, I prefer a grill basket because it is so much easier since you can add all the veggies together in the basket and simply shake it a few times during cooking. No need to flip all the individual vegetables. This will impact how you cut the veggies. For a grill basket, cut the vegetables into smaller pieces. For the grill directly, cut them into larger planks and pieces that won't fall through the grill grates.
  2. Add fat and flavor: Grilled vegetables need some fat so they won't stick to the grill. You can use any type of oil you like. Then add your favorite seasoning include spices, seasoning blends, vinegar, salt, and pepper. Save fresh herbs and garlic for adding after since they will burn on the grill.
  3. Grill: Now it's time to grill. Generally speaking, most vegetables will take 8-12 minutes on the grill in a grill basket. Thinly sliced veggies may cook more quickly.
  4. Toss: One trick to add even more flavor is to toss the veggies in the same bowl where you originally seasoned them when they come off the grill. The hot veggies will soak up any residual oil and flavors in the bowl. You can also add vinaigrettes, oil, dressing, fresh herbs, and cheese at this point.

Recipe Ideas for Balsamic Grilled Vegetables

Once you learn how to grill vegetables in this way, there are so many ways to use them and switch up the recipe to make it your own.

  • Switch up the veggies: It should go without saying that you can make this recipe with any mix of veggies you like. Try mushrooms, green beans, asparagus, Vidalia onions, tomatoes, and more. Try to choose veggies that cook in the same amount of time or par-cook heartier veggies like Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and potatoes. 
  • Seasoning: This recipe works with all kinds of spices and seasoning. Try making it with your favorite steak seasoning, lemon pepper, Old Bay, Greek seasoning, Cajun seasoning, or any other spice blend you like.
  • Cheese: It wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you that we almost always top with a fresh sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, and feta are delicious as well.
  • Citrus: Finish the veggies with some fresh lemon or lime juice.
  • Dressing and vinaigrettes: Another easy way to marinate these veggies is to just reach for your favorite healthy salad dressing. Try balsamic vinaigrette, Italian dressing, Asian sesame dressing, or Caesar. 
  • Fresh herbs: Finish your veggies with some chopped parsley, basil, cilantro, mint, or dill.

What vegetables can you BBQ?

You can actually cook almost any vegetable on the grill. The only exception is something like cucumbers that has too much water to work. Here are some we love to include:

Grilling Vegetables with balsamic glaze including onions, squash, peppers, and corn with quinoa.

What temperature should vegetables be grilled at?

To ensure your vegetables have time to get tender on the inside before burning on the outside, it is best to grill them at around 400 degrees or medium-high heat. Also if you are using a grill basket, make sure to preheat it on the grill as well.

What to Serve with Balsamic Grilled Vegetables

You have lots of options when it comes to serving these grilled veggies. Here are the ones we use the most often:

  • Serve them as the starring side dish at any meal
  • Throw them on some quinoa with balsamic glaze and cheese for a vegetarian meal.
  • Grab your favorite grilled protein  - chicken, steak, pork, fish, or seafood.
  • Add them to a pile of greens or pasta for a yummy salad
  • Make a grilled vegetable sandwich with hummus and greens.
Calories 155, Total Fat 8g, Total Carbohydrate 21g, Protein 5g, Serving Size 1.5-2 cups