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While Ikea is known for cheap home furnishings and, more recently their sustainability initiatives , it surprisingly was not ranked America’...

America Named its Favorite Home Furnishings Store. Do You Shop Here?

While Ikea is known for cheap home furnishings and, more recently their sustainability initiatives, it surprisingly was not ranked America’s favorite home furnishings store. In fact, the store that was chosen is more commonly known for groceries over home furnishings!

America’s Favorite Furnishing Store

In a survey taken by Market Force Information, Costco was actually rated the best in home furnishings experience for customers in 2015. It has a composite loyalty score of 63 percent. Following closely behind is Target with 57 percent, Bed Bath & Beyond with 55 percent, Kohl’s with 47 percent, and Walmart with 33 percent.

However, when you look more closely at the data that Market Force Information provides, it makes sense to why Ikea wasn’t chosen for home furnishings compared to Costco or Target. Market Force asked study participants to rank the most recently visited home furnishings retailer (as well as their favorite home improvement retailer) based on different attributes. Since Ikea isn’t exactly a store you just pop into all the time, it makes sense that more commonly visited stores (like Costco or Target) would receive higher rankings based on stores customers most recently visited.

How the Winner Was Chosen

The seven attributes Market Force focused on included value, merchandise selection, brand selection, organized merchandise, cleanliness, availability of eco products, and checkout speed. Costco came in first in terms of value. Bed Bath & Beyond came in first in terms of merchandise selection and brand selection. Target swept house by snagging first for the other four categories.

However, it didn’t seem to be enough to grab the ultimate title of America’s favorite home furnishings retailer. In a survey of 1,764 consumers across four U.S. census regions, Costco still beat out the rest of their competitors.

Planning on taking a trip to Costco now? You probably shouldn’t leave Costco without these 12 items!

The post America Named its Favorite Home Furnishings Store. Do You Shop Here? appeared first on Taste of Home.

Kiersten Hickman