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It’s still summer, but everyone has Halloween on the brain. Recently, this petition from the Halloween & Costume Association has picked...

1 Million People Will Get Free Snickers If the Date of Halloween Is Changed

It’s still summer, but everyone has Halloween on the brain. Recently, this petition from the Halloween & Costume Association has picked up speed. The goal is to change the date of Halloween from October 31 to the last Saturday in October!

It seems that fright night fans stand divided, but Snickers is showing their support for the change in a big way.

Snickers Says Saturdays Are for the Kids

Having Halloween on a Saturday means that kids can go trick-or-treating without worrying about school—or work, in the case of parents—the next day.

Snickers has stepped up to voice their thoughts on the date change. In a press release, brand director Josh Olken says: “Snickers is all in on the celebration of Halloween to the fullest. If the federal government makes this thing official, we’re offering up to one million free Snickers to America. No tricks, only treats.”

Even if you’re not on board with the date change, you have to admit that a million free Snickers bars do sound pretty tasty! Especially if they give away any of the latest Snickers flavors.

What Fans Are Saying

Snickers chose their side on Twitter last week, but Halloween lovers are still conflicted about the idea. Parents, of course, are loving the thought of all-day tricks and treats with the kids, while others like the tradition of October 31.

See if Snickers is the most-loved Halloween candy in your state.

Sign the Petition Here

If you’d like to see the date changed, you can sign the petition here. Once 150,000 signatures are collected, the petition will be brought to the President of the United States, who will be making the final call.

Even if the date doesn’t get changed, don’t worry! You’ll still be able to enjoy Snickers on October 31 this year.

Find a Spooky Snack to Make for Halloween
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Laurie Dixon