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We make smoothies for breakfast all the time and this Apple Pie Smoothie is quickly becoming the family favorite along with these Oatmeal S...

Apple Pie Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie in a mason jar with apples and almonds.

We make smoothies for breakfast all the time and this Apple Pie Smoothie is quickly becoming the family favorite along with these Oatmeal Smoothies and Chocolate Banana Smoothie.

Who doesn't want to wake up and eat a giant slice of apple pie for breakfast? Can I see a show of hands? Okay, I can't actually see your hands but I am going to assume everyone reading this raised their hands. Well, since here you're here on Slender Kitchen, and not out visiting a site for a recipe for a butter-and-sugar-filled actual apple pie, I'm going to assume you're looking for alternatives to eating pie for breakfast. Maybe something slimmed-down...nutritious even, yet still tasty. Am I correct in my thinking? Great! Then we are all on the same page.

That's not to say I have never eating a piece of pie for breakfast (there's a time and a place and a weekend full of Thanksgiving leftovers for everything), but I can't do that every day, for sure. However, that idea was the impetus for this Apple Pie Smoothie recipe. Although I confess, I prefer to chew rather than drink most of my foods, smoothies are a definite exception. Especially when they taste just like the "real thing," whatever that "thing" happens to be. After a few failed attempts, I recreated the flavors of apple pie, but in a delicious, nutritious, protein-packed, low-fat smoothie. I do hope you'll agree!

Oh—one quick tip, since apples and older blenders aren’t really friends, microwave your chopped apple for two minutes first to soften it up. This will help everything come together so the smoothie has the right texture and isn’t gritty or chunky. Want your "pie" to be cold? Just throw in a couple of ice cubes.

Ideas for Customizing Your Apple Pie Smoothie

Smoothies can really be customized any which way you want, but, since you asked, here are the ways in which I've tweaked this smoothie recipe in the past.

  • Switch up the milk—try soy, cashew, or even a flavored version of non-dairy milks (such as vanilla almond).
  • Skip the banana for another half a cup of chopped apple.
  • Use two or three different kinds of apples to vary the flavor a little. Granny Smith for a tart smoothie, or Honeycrisp for a sweet smoothie.
  • Add apple pie spice if you are out of cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger or want to kick the apple pie flavor up a bit.
  • Sprinkle some granola or plain oatmeal on the top of the smoothie to simulate the "crust" texture and flavor.
  • Eliminate the walnuts or try pecans instead. 
  • Swap in Greek yogurt for a thicker smoothie.
  • Pour the smoothie into popsicle molds and freeze overnight for a frozen apple pie smoothie treat.

Apple Pie Smoothie with two straws and an apple in the background.

What Makes an Apple Pie Smoothie Healthy?

Well, the first, and most obvious way in which this Apple Pie Smoothie is healthy is that it's not actual apple pie. That being said, the ingredients in this smoothie are all healthy in their own ways, as well.

  • A serving of apples first thing in the morning will help you get in your five-a-day. Plus, apples also contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins B and C.
  • Bananas are good for your heart, are a good source of potassium and lots of other vitamins and minerals. They have also been shown to help with weight-loss efforts and they make great snack post-exercise.
  • Almond milk is a lower-calorie alternative to cow's milk. It is also lower in carbs. It also contains protein and is high in vitamin E.
  • Yogurt contains calcium that is great for your bones and is full of healthy bacteria known as probiotics that help you maintain a healthy gut.
  • Walnuts are a great source of healthy fats, like the essential fatty acid Omega-3. They also contain calcium, zinc, vitamins E and B, and iron.
  • Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and grated ginger add flavor without adding calories or fat. These spices can also help fight inflammation, digestive issues, and pain relief naturally.

Are Smoothies Good for Weight Loss? 

Well, that depends on what you put in your smoothie, of course. But, overall, they are better than say, oh, I don't pie or cake or a full-fat, grocery store muffin. Since the base of most smoothies is low-fat milk or yogurt, the benefits of eating low-fat dairy include filling you up and adding calcium and other nutrients to your diet. When you add in other good-for-you-ingredients, like fruits, leafy greens, spices, nuts, or grains, then you are essentially blending up a whole glass full of goodness.

Remember smoothies aren't just for breakfast, either. They are a great meal replacement or snack (depending on how big they are and what ingredients you add) to have any time of day!

This smoothie recipe was originally posted in 2014 but has been updated with new photos, tips, and ideas. It originally included the photo below.

Apple smoothie in a large mason jar with apple slices on the side.

Calories 335, Total Fat 2g, Total Carbohydrate 50g, Protein 5g, Serving Size 1.5 cups